We aim to build critical transparency tools and momentum for restricting fossil fuel, mining, and other industrial expansion threats to key ecosystems and Indigenous and local communities.

Coral Triangle at Risk: Fossil Fuel Threats & Impacts
Oil and gas concessions and production areas overlap with tens of thousands of kilometers of marine protected areas, which include mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass habitats, according to new analysis from Earth Insight, SkyTruth, CEED Philippines, and others.
Closing Window of Opportunity: Mapping Threats to Important Areas for Conservation in the Pantropics
The report highlights the urgent need for global action to protect critical ecosystems from the growing threat of oil, gas, & mining activities in order to safeguard biodiversity, climate stability, and Indigenous rights.
Unheeded Warnings: Forest Biomass Threats to Tropical Forests in Indonesia and Southeast Asia
Indonesia's biodiverse, carbon-rich forests, home to 50 to 70 million Indigenous people who depend on them for survival, face an "irreversible point" by 2040 due to the growing use of biomass energy in power plants.
Anything But Natural: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Expansion Threats to Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
A new report paints a sobering picture of current plans to expand Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) infrastructure worldwide, posing threats to the global climate as well as significant hubs for biodiversity.
Losing Ground: Protected Areas
A new study spotlights fossil fuel expansion threats to protected areas around the globe and calls for a global moratorium on all fossil fuel development and expansion — as well as a phase-down of current fossil fuel infrastructure — in the world’s protected areas.
Three Basins Threats
Earth Insight and global partners call attention to the expansion threats posed by fossil fuel, mining, and other industrial expansion in the world’s last intact remaining tropical forests in the basins of the Amazon, Congo, and Mekong-Borneo Southeast Asian regions.
Congo in the Crosshairs
Co-published with Rainforest Foundation UK and endorsed by nine Congo Basin organizations, this report offers a deep dive into what’s at stake in the region, presenting threat maps and analytics as well as offering solutions for how a different path can be charted.
Crisis Point
New research shows massive threats to the Amazon and Congo tropical forests from global oil and gas expansion. An area six times the size of the UK threatened and tens of millions of Indigenous and local community members at risk.